The TRPM General Membership Meeting was called to order by Acting President Wayne Sullivan at 7:08 pm. Dale Grimm said grace and Rick Hindle led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Violet Houston, First National Bank Columbia office, gave a short presentation explaining how their bank can help with financing/refinancing equipment, owner occupied buildings, as well as a no doc $50,0000 line of credit. She introduced Lucinda, who is from the Ellicott City office.
Legislative – Jeff Hurley gave a quick rundown regarding HB1628 – Sales and Use Tax – Rate Reduction and Services. Over 29,000 people signed up to testify against this at the hearing in Annapolis. A copy of the proposed bill was available as a handout. Contact your representatives and let them know how you feel. SB0650 - There’s a push to stop companies from running out of state tags (Maine) on trailers. Maryland Motor Truck is against it because it’s written incorrectly. They’re trying to get in touch with the person who wrote it to get it pulled out and work with them to get it straightened out. Charlie Parrish reported that the first reading passed both chambers. SB2125 is related to insurance claims. It’s gone through 3 readings already. One side is for it, there’s been no movement from the other side. SB392 – PG County Private Property Trespass Towing - PG County Towers that aren’t TRPM members want to reduce the hours they have to be open to release vehicles. It’s a municipality issue and TRPM is not helping. HB1384 basically same as SB392 – nothing has been done yet. HB0162 – no movement
Since February 6, 2020. Anne Arundel County Bill 8319 – went into effect March 1, 2020. Part I stated that trespass towing had to be within 10 miles of the property being towed from. Changed to reflect having to stay in county. This knocked 5 TRPM members out of towing in Anne Arundel. Part II states that no matter if it’s a municipality or trespass tow, if a vehicle owner requests your company’s insurance information, you must give it to them. Baltimore City – Brian Dorsey has a bill that’s going to be heard on March 17, 2020 where he is trying to combine all facets of towing under one umbrella. They are re-writing it for the convenience of the city, not the towers. Montgomery County – Dan Mullens, Big Tow, reported that the Montgomery County Municipality sent an email to the towers on their list requesting fees charged for private/contract towing. They are considering adjusting the schedule of fees for police tows. Wayne stressed that towers need to keep an eye on what’s going on in their county. Board members don’t always hear what’s happening in counties that they don’t tow in.
Old Business – There hasn’t been a newsletter printed in a year. Every week Maryland Motor Truck sends out general information and it gets forwarded to every member via email. Any information that we find out about is being posted on the website. Bull Roast – April 4, 2020 at Michael’s 8th Avenue. If you plan on attending, please contact Betty. She has to provide a head count one week prior.
New Business – Jeff notified the members that Fred Scheler, 1st Vice President, has resigned. He still wishes to stay involved in the legislative area. The nominations meeting is in April at Perry’s in Odenton.
The 50/50 raffle was won with ticket #3075496 for $285 by Wayne Sullivan. Wayne donated the winnings back to the association.
Big Money – January - ticket #128, Leilani Hallowell
February - ticket #282, 5 Boys
March - ticket #296, Green’s Grandbabies
Betty purchased 400 new identical bottles to use for the Big Money Ticket draw.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:07 pm.