A meeting of the Towing and Recovery Professionals of Maryland (TRPM), a Maryland Non-Profit Association, was held on June 5th, 2024 at Suicide Bridge Restaurant, 6304 Suicide Bridge Rd, Hurlock MD 21643
Call to Order at 702PM.
Ted called the meeting to order at 702pm and Charles, Secretary, recorded minutes. Ted thanked everyone for attending and reminded everyone of the Anti-Trust laws dealing with pricing.
Ted then asked Will Cain to lead us in the pledge of allegiance.
Ted then asked all in attendance to introduce themselves, starting to his right and to continue around the room.
Ted then recognized our special and or associate members and identified them one by one to speak on their companies to which Shelli (TRAXERO) & Rene (BA Products) & Jeff (Worldwide Equipment) & Senator Sallings all took a turn speaking to the members.
Ted then announced we will take a Dinner Break to which Senator Sallings gave the blessing, and for all to help themselves to the Buffet, time is 711PM.
Ted then called the meeting back to order at 759PM.
Ted then welcomed everyone back and asked if everyone had received a copy of the previous Western General meeting minutes as well as the flyers at the front table, Jeff made a motion to except minutes, Martha 2nd the motion with there being no discussion vote was taken all in favor motion carried minutes adopted.
Ted then presented the new TRPM By-Laws for vote approval that had been distributed prior through email. All members in good standing then voted to which no one opposed the recommended changes, Wayne then made a motion to adopt the new By-laws as presented and voted on, Jed 2nd the motion, vote taken all in favor motion carried By-laws with changes 3/30/2024 adopted and filed.
Ted then informed all that a member Advantage Wrecker & Roadside Assistance had been removed from the association due to ethic violations, l as Western regional Director, and that our Associate member Capital bank has a new contact person in Jason Forrester.
Charles then went over latest legislative matters and any issues on the state wide level- to include but not limited to- federal Junk fee bill, Electronic Bill for Insurance companies notification that takes effect October 1st 2024, State Police pricing under HB1002 that took effect February 21st, 2024, MDTA pricing that took effect May 6th, 2024 through the help of Will Cain issues Police agencies were having getting Towers to respond to EV accidents and as to why, and with the help from Kelvin Smith issues having getting CS078’s issued and if the association would help and support a petition being circulated by Montgomery County Towers.
Will then went over education committee’s report with an upcoming EV class College Park, MD and another one in Lancaster PA later on in June, Will reminded all about emailing him directly with any ideas or classes they may want to have going forward and that he was in the works of having a TIMS class on the Federal level.
Deb then went over the details from the annual Bull roast that was held in April, and that the Meet-N-Greet this year will be Wednesday December 1st, 2024, at the Carriage House in port Deposit Md.
Ted then opens the floor to any local issues that members wanted to discuss, after several members spoke Ted asked that Senator Sallings talk to us on how through legislation we can address and when does the legislation suggestions need to be in by for the upcoming year session. Senator Sallings went into detail how we have been getting support and from whom and any new legislation to which he and others have always been strong supporters of our Industry needs to be in before November 1st, 2024.
Ted then asked all members if there were topics not on the agenda they would like to see added or discussed, with there being none, Ted then moved on the 50/50 drawing.
50/50 Drawing
Ted then did the 50/50 drawing with a jackpot of $665.00 dollars to the winner who was Vinny Flook who immediately donated back to the scholarship fund.
Door prize was provided and presented by Sullivan’s Garage to which Dustin was the winner
Ted then wanted to remind everyone of the next General meeting would be in the Southern region on August 7th, 2024, time and location to be announced at a later date.
Ted with no further discussion or topics, Charles made a motion to adjourn Wayne 2nd the motion all was in favor meeting adjourned 850PM
Charles Parrish, Secretary